Insurance Company Gains Full Visibility Across 70 Locations

The Challenge

An insurance company with 70 different locations—including offices, warehouses, and service centers—faced limited visibility into their energy consumption. Their sustainability team, in collaboration with technology and energy efficiency departments, struggled to gain insights, as headquarters only received the total consumption numbers and bills. This lack of granular data prevented them from making strategic decisions to reduce emissions and improve efficiency.

The Solution

With Cedalio, the company gained the ability to identify consumption patterns at a much more granular level, assigning energy use to specific locations and meters. Cedalio’s platform provided real-time alerts for abnormal usage, pinpointing areas for immediate action. The company now uses Cedalio’s visual insights to monitor trends and implement initiatives, such as replacing traditional energy sources with renewables at key sites and installing IoT devices to track and manage consumption in high-usage areas.

The Impact

  • Enhanced Visibility: Full transparency on consumption at each site and meter.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Implemented location-specific initiatives, such as switching to renewable energy sources.
  • Anomaly Detection: Alerts for high-consumption deviations enabled quick resolution of energy wastage.
  • Efficiency Gains: Installed IoT devices in high-consumption areas to track and address deviations in real-time, leading to a 20% decrease in overall energy use.
  • Compliance-Ready Reporting: Cedalio’s visual insights and compliance-ready reports allowed the company to track progress on sustainability initiatives across all sites and easily share updates with internal stakeholders.